A few hours ago, Telegram released the latest update of its favorite messenger application. Telegram 4.0 update is a major update and adds 3 new features to this messenger. In this article, we are going to talk about the new version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update) and its new features. Stay tuned with Mobile Help.
Introduction regarding Telegram 4.0 update - new version of Telegram
Telegram released a major update to its messenger a few hours ago. This major update adds three interesting features to Telegram. These three features include the ability to send a video message or video message + telescope (Video Message + Telescope), payment through bots (Payments for Bots) and the comprehensive Instant View platform (Instant View).
In the continuation of the article, we intend to review the new version of
Telegram Services and its new features. If you need more information about any of the sections and steps described, you can contact the mobile experts through the available numbers and ask them for more detailed guidance. Stay tuned with Mobile Help.
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Send video message (Video Message) or video message in Telegram 4.0
The first new and very interesting feature that is presented in the new version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update) is a feature called Video Message, which can also be called a video message. With this feature, you can record video from the front or main camera of your device and send it as a message. This feature is exactly the same as sending a voice, except that it sends video instead of a voice.
New version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update)
To use the ability to send a video message or video message in Telegram, just touch the "microphone" icon once in the right part of the message typing field in the chat windows. As soon as you touch this icon, you will notice that the microphone icon switches to the camera icon. In this way, you can use the ability to send telegram messages or video whenever you want. In order to send a new video message or video message, all you have to do is place your finger on the camera icon and hold it, just like you were sending Weiss. For more information on how to do this, you can use the article "Video Message Tutorial - Video Message".
New version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update)
Telegram notes in its blog that video messages or video messages are sent and received very quickly in Telegram, because Telegram servers automatically compress them. Telegram also offers another interesting solution for those users who do not like holding the camera icon to send a video message! For this purpose, the "recording mode lock" feature is provided. To activate this feature, after holding your finger on the camera icon and activating the video message recording window, swipe up to activate the recording mode lock. In this way, you can record the video of your desired message without having to place your finger on the telegram camera icon. This feature can also be used in the new version of Telegram or the Telegram 4.0 update for Voice mode.

By default, Telegram video messages are automatically downloaded and played, but you can change this mode by going to Telegram settings. The next interesting point is that while watching a video message or video message (Video Message) in the new version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update) you can easily and without any problems in the process of playing that
instagram Promotion, you can talk from that window Go out and refer to other sections of the telegram. Finally, it should be noted that the duration of videos, telegram messages can eventually be 1 minute.
New version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update)
To make the subject more interesting, Telegram also unveiled a new and dedicated website called Telescope! Access to this website is provided by typing the address telesco.pe in your browser. This site is directly related to the video messaging feature and is designed for public Telegram channels. By typing the address of this site and then placing the mark / and the ID of the Telegram channel of your choice, you can access the archive of all video messages or the video messages sent in it (Video Messages). For example, to watch all the videos of mobile channel messages, all you have to do is enter the phrase Telesco.pe/mobilekomak in the address bar of your browser and press Enter.
Telegram mentions in its blog that whenever a video message is sent to a public channel, the video will be automatically uploaded to the telesco.pe servers, and the site will provide a dedicated sharing link for that video. . This link can be shared directly on Twitter, Facebook and Telegram itself.
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Instant View Platform in the new version of Telegram
You must be familiar with Telegram's Instant View feature. This feature has been provided by Telegram for some time, so that users can check the links of some sites directly through the browser within Telegram applications without having to log out of Telegram and run their device browser. Until now, this feature was only available for some sites, and you could not run and view every link through Telegram's in-app browser.
New version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update)
Fortunately, the new version of Telegram (Telegram update 4.0) has provided this feature so that anyone can optimize their website for display in Telegram Instant View mode. Telegram has pointed out that to do this, there is no need to make major changes to the users' website, but only through the Instant View Platform, a template for the site or design link. کردن. Their site or link will simply provide the ability to display in Telegram's internal browser and support for Instant View. Telegram has made it possible for all developers to participate in this process and help to share information better and easier on the Internet and through Telegram.

Telegram also mentioned on its official blog that it will provide $ 200,000 as a reward for those who wish to participate in the template-building process consistent with the Instant View Platform for various sites. Set aside. People who are interested and familiar with HTML can refer to the contest information page by clicking on this section. This page lists various sites. You need to select one of these sites from the list and create a template for that Instant VU platform. Telegram will pay $ 10,000 as a reward for the best design submitted under its rules. It is interesting to know that Varzesh 3 website is also in the list of eligible sites of Telegram and currently 3 templates have been made and sent for it.
New version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update)
Ability to pay through robots (Payments for Bots) in the new version of Telegram
The latest feature or new feature that we see in Telegram is the ability to pay through bots or our Payments for Bots. Thanks to this feature, Telegram robots can be equipped with online payment capabilities. This feature can be very useful for people who have an online store. Until now, users could only view their products through the Telegram robot of store
Twitter services, but now they can also experience the ability to pay through robots, or rather the ability to buy goods through Telegram robots.
New version of Telegram (Telegram 4.0 update)
Telegram notes in its blog that the feature is currently only available for international bank cards, but it has been promised that many payment systems and other cards will be supported by Telegram bots in the near future. Telegram also strongly emphasizes that it will not receive any interest, benefit or commission from the payment process through robots, and that this feature will be available for free.